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Lower your marketing, acquisition and retention costs.

 Lower your marketing, acquisition and retention costs.

Let's face it, traditional marketing practices are getting super expensive (socials, influencers, paid ads, SEO…)

and unfortunately less effective. It's taking more clicks, views, app downloads and email signups to convert a consumer. This is especially true with the ultra-competitive digital subscription industry. Everyone seems to be paying much more to advertise their services but getting worse and worse results… Ugh!!

On top of that, all these costs are paid upfront, before you even get a single subscriber! We thought there should be a better, more affordable, pay for performance platform to help subscription providers drive memberships and retention at lower costs with nothing due upfront. So, we built it.

SubSuite does a ton of things to help lower your costs while increasing revenues, subscribers, and retention. Here's a few to consider...

1. No upfront marketing costs. 

Are you currently paying a third party a portion of your subscription fees for processing payments? Our processes allow you to avoid those fees completely. If this is true for your service, you'd be saving a ton just for this one small aspect of our business.

2. Precision Marketing.

Time is money. The more efficiently you market, the quicker you convert a subscriber, the less you spend marketing to that consumer. With SubSuite, you can craft personalized offers for specific consumers based on how much they already spend on other service. Define your prices. Define your audience. Get the right offer to the right consumer on the first try.

3. Avoid app and processing fees.

Are you currently paying a third party a portion of your subscription fees for processing payments? Our processes allow you to avoid those fees completely. If this is true for your service, you'd be saving a ton just for this one small aspect of our business.

4. Free retention solutions.

Companies typically pay hundreds or thousands of dollars per month to retain and / or re-acquire subscribers. Our retention service, which offers the best retention solution for digital subscription providers, is 100% free of charge. Your retention expenses are covered by any revenue we earn marketing your services for you.

5. Priceless data and analytics.

How much do you pay per month just to learn more about your consumers? If you're not paying for this, how much would you pay to know what other subscriptions your subscribers were interested in and buying? Or maybe you'd like to know what digital subscriptions your new subscribers had before they bought yours? Perhaps knowing how you're stacking up in your niche market would be of interest? All of this comes included when you join SubSuite. With this info you could provide better services, add new features, better price your plans, more accurately target potential consumers…

We've gone out of our way to build a hugely useful platform for digital subscription providers that drives the most growth at the lowest possible cost.

Reduce your costs. Maximize your profits. Get started for free now.

To learn more about SubSuite, you can book a demo here.

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