Boost LTV with a branded subscription rewards marketplace

Add 3 - 12 months of LTV to subscribers that make purchases from your SubSuite marketplace.

Boost LTV with SubSuite Subscription Rewards

Boost LTV with a branded subscription marketplace

Boost LTV with SubSuite Subscription Rewards
Add 3 - 12 months of LTV to subscribers that make purchases from your SubSuite marketplace.

Drive Retention & LTV with Subscription Rewards

Branded Marketplace

Offer your subscribers access to exclusive subscription deals from your cross-promotion partners and more.
Subscritption Marketplace

Stack and Save

Your subscribers stack and save with prices tailored just for them based on their current spending on other services.
Personalized Subscription Prices

Loyalty and LTV

With discounts and total subscription management tied to your account, subscribers have no reason to leave.
Customized Subscription Offers

Branded Marketplace

Offer your subscribers access to exclusive subscription deals from your cross-promotion partners and more.
Subscription Marketplace

Stack and Save

Your subscribers stack and save with prices tailored just for them based on their current spending on other services.
Personalized Subscription Pricing

Loyalty and LTV

With discounts and total subscription management tied to your account, subscribers have no reason to leave.
Customized Subscription Offers

What makes SubSuite unique?

SubSuite empowers subscription brands to become the "Primary" provider for all their subscribers digital subscriptions. Open the door to endless LTV and subscriber satisfaction.

Why Offer a Rewards Marketplace from SubSuite?

Keep your subscribers longer, create new revenue streams and win more new subscribers.


Add 3-12 additional retention months.


Add 20%+ to LTV.

Trust & Loyalty

Improve subscriber loyalty and satisfaction.

Reduce Churn

Subscribers buy from your own marketplace.


Sell sponsorships on your marketplace page.

Convert More

Offer rewards and subscription management.

Subscription Loyalty Rewards Marketplace

How it Works

Create Your Marketplace

Create a branded Rewards Marketplace, owned by your brand, hosted by SubSuite.
Subscription Cross-Promotions
Subscription Cross-Promotions

Complete with Subscription Management Tools

Where your subscribers can manage and access their purchases.
Subscription Cross-Promotions
Subscription Cross-Promotions

Offer Subscription Rewards

Your SubSuite Marketplace works like a rewards page.

Discounts earned on purchases made from your marketplace are tied directly to your brand, like loyalty rewards. The more someone purchases from your marketplace, the less likely they are to cancel.  
Stack and Save with subscription rewards

Offer Subscription Rewards

Stack and Save with subscription rewards

Your SubSuite Marketplace works like a rewards page.

Discounts earned on purchases made from your marketplace are tied directly to your brand. Canceling your subscription also cancels the discounts they've built up. The more someone purchases from your marketplace, the less likely they are to cancel. 
SubSuite subscription management

Offer Subscription Management

Build loyalty and trust with simple, transparent subscription management.

Consumers are searching for subscription partners they can trust. Offer them the ability to manage all their subscriptions directly from your own brand. 

Offer Subscription Management

SubSuite subscription management

Build loyalty and trust with simple, transparent total subscription management.

Consumers are searching for subscription partners they can trust. Offer them the ability to manage all their subscriptions directly from your own brand.

Customize your Marketplace

Create the perfect buying experience for your brand and your subscribers.


Your cross-promotional partners get the highest visibility on your marketplace in terms of placement and in algorithms. (The same is true for your brand on their marketplace).


Recommend the brands you want to boost their visibilty on your marketplace and get them ranking higher in algorithms that offer suggestions to your subscribers.


Sell sponsorships to add a brand new revenue stream! (You can also purchase sponsorships from other brands.)


Suppress the brands you don't want visible to your subscribers and rank lowest in searches and suggestions.

customize your subsuite marketplace
customize your subsuite marketplace


Your cross-promotional partners get the highest visibility on your marketplace in terms of placement and in algorithms. (The same is true for your brand on their marketplace).


Recommend the brands you want to boost their visibilty on your marketplace and get them ranking higher in algorithms that offer suggestions to your subscribers.


Sell sponsorships to add a brand new revenue stream! (You can also purchase sponsorships from other brands.)


Suppress the brands you don't want visible to your subscribers and rank lowest in searches and suggestions.

Promote Your Marketplace

Promote your subscription rewards marketplace page to paying subscribers via provided links and embeds in your app, newsletter, emails, socials and anywhere that makes sense.
Promote your rewards marketplace to your paying subscribers
subscription cross-promotions partnership-marketing

Consumers can only have one Primary provider on SubSuite, creating a super sticky mutually beneficial relationship between subscribers and their Primary provider.

SubSuite Promotes your Rewards Marketplace also

SubSuite marketing drives subscribers to join directly on
subscription cross-promotion subsuite-marketing
subscription cross-promotion subsuite-marketing

Seamless Subscriber Checkout

Subscribers choose as many services as they wish and checkout with all of their services at once with one payment.
subscription cross-promotion checkout
subscription cross-promotion checkout

Access & Manage

Your subscribers can access their new purchases on any device (Web / Mobile / TV) directly from your marketplace rewards page.
Easy subscribers access to you subscriptions on any device (TV, Mobile, Desktop, Tablet)
Easy subscribers access to you subscriptions on any device (TV, Mobile, Desktop, Tablet)

Dynamic, Stack & Save Pricing

Dynamic, personalized pricing allows your subscribers to stack and save on all of their subscriptions with yours as their Primary service.
subscription access and subscription management
subscription access and subscription management

Subscribers Love Buying on SubSuite

Subscribers love SubSuites personally tailored offers, stack and save DIY bundles, loyalty savings and subscription management.
Subscribers love buying SubSuite for the rewards, stack and save offers and subscription management

Stack & Save

Subscribers get to stack on save on awesome deals. The more they buy, the more they save. 

Tailored Deals

Personalzied offers, tailored just for them based on thier current subscription spending.

Subscription Management

Effortlessly manage and access subscription purchases from a single, user-friendly dashboard.

Loyalty Rewards

Passively earn loyalty rewards (reduced pricing on future purchases) for staying with their subscriptions for longer.
Simple and Intuitive Setup
Setup your brand profile on SubSuite.
Simple and Intuitive Setup
Cross-promote with brands to give them the highest visibility on your page and promos (and vice versa).
Simple and Intuitive Setup
Recommend brands you want highly visible and supress the brands you wish to hide.
Simple and Intuitive Setup
Sell sponsorships on your marketplace to add a brand new revenue stream.
Simple and Intuitive Setup
Easily share access to your marketplace with links and embed codes.
Simple and Intuitive Setup
Optimize your marketplace, placements, and partnerships for the best retention.

Simple and Intuitive Setup

Create your brand profile on SubSuite.

Create your SubSuite brand profile

Cross-promote to give brands high visibility on your page and get high visibility on theirs.

Set your base plans

Recommend brands you want highly visible and supress the brands you wish to hide.

Create your SubSuite offers

Sell sponsorships on your marketplace to add a brand new revenue stream.

Manage your SubSuite offers

Easily share access to your marketplace with links and embed codes.

Improve your profit margins with pricing and targeting recommendations

Optimize your marketplace, placements, and partnerships for the best retention.

Improve your profit margins with pricing and targeting recommendations

How much can you add to your LTV?

Here's an example of how much a brand with an average sale price of $15 could ADD to their LTV.

The Cost?

Free marketplace rewards platform

Marketplace rewards are complimentary when you sign up for SubSuite! 

Marketplace Rewards

Your customizable marketplace and all that comes with it is on the house. Drive LTV on us!


A 20% fee is applied to any ad-revenue generated from sponsorships sold on SubSuite marketplaces.

Marketplace rewards are complimentary when you sign up for SubSuite! 
free marketplace rewards platform

Marketplace Rewards

Your customizable marketplace, subscription management, cross-promotions and data analytics are all on the house. Drive LTV on us! 


A 20% fee is applied to any ad-revenue generated from sponsorships sold on SubSuite marketplaces.

Boost Retention & LTV with Subsuite Marketplace Rewards

Offer rewards for free today.

Boost retention and LTV with SubSuite

Offer rewards for free today.